Environmental Factor: Atmospheric Pressure


One of the most vital environmental factors is atmospheric pressure. Our reading states, “It is one of the basic factors in weather changes, helps to lift an aircraft, and actuates some of the important flight instruments. These instruments are the altimeter, airspeed indicator, vertical speed indicator, and manifold pressure gauge.” (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Ch. 4). For obvious reasons, we see why calculating for this pressure is vital to safe flying. There are a few varied factors that determine atmospheric pressure: altitude, temperature, and air densityThese factors create motion in the air making it difficult to predict the weather. As altitude increases, pressure decreases. So, we can determine the impact atmospheric pressure has directly on the aircraft’s performance. For example, a plane needs more thrust on the ground to take off because the altitude is lower, so air pressure is higher than in the air. Inversely, while the airplane is at a higher level (FL250 for example), it will need less thrust to keep moving. 


     Atmospheric pressure is something that will never go away. In fact, it is one of the most unpredictable, forever-changing environmental factors that we will have to deal with. An article stated, “In the coming century, the impact of air travel on the environment will become an increasingly powerful influence on aircraft design.” (Green, 2016). So, we can only take precautionary measures to better counter/be prepared for atmospheric pressure. Aircraft wings are designed in such a way to make air move over the wings. If the aerodynamic structure is improved, pressure on top of the wings would be even less pressure than on the bottom. More aerodynamically designed wings and surfaces could mitigate the alleviation the aviation industry faces, although we know it will never fully be solved! 



Green, J. (2003). Civil aviation and the environmental challenge. The Aeronautical Journal (1968),107(1072), 281-299. doi:10.1017/S0001924000013579 


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